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Campus Updates and Improvements for Fall 2022
General, Academics, Athletics, Student Life

Over the summer, Lindenwood has been working to complete four major updates and improvements to certain areas of campus. These improvements will not only enhance the University but also the overall student experience by providing more options and opportunities on campus.

Lindenwood Named a 2022-2023 College of Distinction
General, Academics, College of Arts and Humanities, Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship, College of Education and Human Services, College of Science, Technology, and Health

For the third consecutive year, Lindenwood University has been recognized for its honorable commitment to helping undergraduate students learn, grow, and succeed by Colleges of Distinction, a unique guide for college-bound students. Lindenwood has been named a 2022-2023 College of Distinction and a Missouri College of Distinction.

Public Health Student Selected to Share College Experience with Future Missouri Students
General, Academics, College of Science, Technology, and Health

Public health student Rosa Rodriguez was selected as one of ten students across Missouri to participate in the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development Journey to College Student Ambassador program. Rodriguez joined the other student ambassadors on April 23 in Jefferson City for a day-long workshop meeting.

Faculty and Staff Council Awards and Recognition Ceremony
General, Academics

Human Resources and Faculty and Staff Council hosted the annual Faculty and Staff Council Awards and Recognition Ceremony Thursday, May 5 in the J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts Lindenwood Theater.