Faculty Awards Recognize Deserving Educators
Lindenwood Student Government accepts nominations from students, and the LSG leadership selects one candidate for recognition. This year, John O’Hagan, associate professor of theatre, was recognized for going above and beyond.
NCAA Awards Diversity Grant to Lindenwood University
Lindenwood University has been awarded a grant from the NCAA that supports diversity, equity and inclusion in both its athletics administration and graduate academic programming. Led by the Lindenwood Athletics Department and Plaster School of Business & Entrepreneurship, the grant will support the addition of an NCAA Experiential Internship for Diverse Populations at Lindenwood.

Enhancing the Quality of Education with “Teaching Buried History” Pilot Project
HIST11900: U.S. Hist: The History of Death and Mourning, taught by Dr. Jeffrey Smith, is a pure reflection of Lindenwood's mission statement: Real Experience. Real Success. Throughout the course, students explore death and burials in the 19th century. Dr. Smith has developed a series of activities where students go to Oak Grove Cemetery in St. Charles, survey the location, collect data for their assignments, and do research on what catches their interest, from gravestones and decorative motifs to epitaphs, inscriptions, and so on.

Period of Waiting Before Days of Glory
Out of all the exciting moments in college, no event is more memorable than graduation day. After several months of studying and learning, students wait for the day they get to walk across the graduation stage, thank all those who journeyed with them through college, and dive into their next adventure. Thousands of students across the country and all over the world awaited their graduation day in the year of 2020, but sadly weren’t able to experience it due to the pandemic.

2021 Commencement Ceremonies and Details
Lindenwood University will hold its spring commencement ceremonies on Friday, May 7 and Saturday, May 8 at the Family Arena in St. Charles.

Lindenwood Named to Fortune’s List of Best Online MBA Programs
Fortune Education has recognized Lindenwood on its inaugural list of 2021 Best Online MBA Programs. Ranked in the top 100, the Plaster School of Business & Entrepreneurship’s program offers students hands-on, practical experience in the business world.

Social Psychology in Action!
Dr. Stephanie Afful puts the students who are part of her social psychology class into real life scenarios with her class fundraiser. Each semester, Afful’s students choose a charity as a class that they would like to fundraise for. While using a multitude of different strategies, the students were able to implement themselves into real life scenarios and helped multiple different charities this year.

School of Humanities Honors Top Students
On April 15, the Lindenwood University School of Humanities held its annual Honors Convocation ceremony to recognize students’ academic excellence in a virtual format. Award recipients, family, friends, and faculty attended the joyous event to celebrate the end of another successful year of studies.
2021 Student Honors Convocation and Awards
Last week, Lindenwood University held its Honors Convocation to recognize the winners of academic and student involvement awards, in addition to members of Lindenwood’s honor societies. Lindenwood is pleased to announce the 2021 award recipients.

School of Education to Join the Consortium for Research-Based and Equitable Assessments
One of the most important parts to success is collaboration. Working together to achieve a goal is one of the best ways to reach a goal and develop opportunities. Not only does this idea apply to individuals, but institutions as well. That is why Lindenwood’s School of Education, in partnership with DESE (the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), has applied to, and been accepted for, the Consortium for Research-Based and Equitable Assessments (CREA).