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Lindenwood University Recognized As One Of 50 Best Small Business Management Degree Programs
Academics, General, College of Arts and Humanities

After assessing 210 universities and colleges and comparing over 329 education programs, Intelligent.com announced 50 Best Small Business Management Degree Programs for 2021. Lindenwood University was featured for the second time on the ranking as best for Fashion Business: Master of Science in Fashion Business and Entrepreneurship.

Lindenwood Develops Innovative Immersive Arts and Cultures Hub
College of Arts and Humanities, General

Imagine a space where students, faculty, and community members can gather to explore and discover, a place full of cutting-edge interactive technology that will alter and enhance the way we teach and learn. This is Lindenwood’s vision for the new Immersive Arts and Cultures Hub, a groundbreaking project first dreamed up by the School of Humanities in 2019.

Anthology of Love: Leah Fry’s Humbling Homage
Academics, General, College of Arts and Humanities

Behind every riveting dance performance done by the dance students of Lindenwood is an equally as riveting choreographer—and during the Fall and Winter dance concerts, the best pull out all the stops to convey thematic passion through movement and body language. Watching it is an experience—whether you find yourself “getting it” or not—because there’s no denying that it feels like something special when three girls, separated by six feet, masks, and flittering colored lights in the dark dance upon the stage and tell a story they’ve also added to by putting their own “movement and truth in the dance."

Senior Christine Bryant Gets Hired at Her Dream Job in Arizona
College of Arts and Humanities, Academics, General

Christine Bryant, a senior at Lindenwood with majors in History and Religion and minors in Anthropology and Public History, accepted a job opportunity this week as a curator for the Cocopah Indian Reservation Museum in southern Arizona. This amazing opportunity was given to Bryant after a long and strenuous job search that she began in December of 2020.

The use of virtual reality and augmented reality in the Lindenwood classroom
Academics, General, College of Arts and Humanities

Although it may sound far-fetched to some, the usage of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the classroom can “transform the classroom experience for students,” according to Walden University's researchers. Even though it may sound like an unlikely practice, the concept of utilizing the world’s newest technology in an educational setting isn’t anything new at all.

Hometown Diplomat’s Impressive Career
College of Arts and Humanities, Alumni & Donors, General

On March 24 from 3-4 PM, Lindenwood University will host alumnus Josh Burns for a presentation about the Diplomatic Security Service branch of the U.S. Department of State. Burns currently serves as a Watch Officer at the Diplomatic Security Command Center in Rosslyn, Virginia. He graduated from Lindenwood in 2016 with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations with an emphasis in Security Studies.

Academics, General, College of Arts and Humanities

On February 25, 2021, two advertising campaigns made by Lindenwood students won silver at the American Advertising Awards, formally known as ADDYS. These awards are offered by the American Advertising Federation (AAF). The AAF has 5,000 college chapters across the country and allows students to compete against professionals in the ADDYS. Just in St. Louis, there were 342 entries for the ADDYS advertising campaign, and Lindenwood students, including Mia Tebbe and Kris McKay, won silver with their campaign.

General, College of Arts and Humanities

In 2017, the National MS Society funded a study that focused on documenting how many people in the United States were affected by Multiple Sclerosis, as the last study had not been conducted since 1975. The result provided a staggering number, one that doubled the amount the leading experts had initially estimated: nearly 1 million people in the United States of America were living with MS. Based on the intense prevalence of this disease, and the disastrous impact it has made on families—emotionally, physically, and economically—it is clear that now, more than ever, new ideas are necessary in order to make an impact in the MS landscape and bring greater relief to the affected community.

Outstanding Student Selected as STL Symphony Scholar
Academics, General, College of Arts and Humanities

Lindenwood student Nadia Maddex was selected as this year's St. Louis Symphony In Unison Scholar. This program is open for undergraduate students who are participating in the arts such as musicians, composers and music educators. Maddex is a vocalist and sings 1st soprano. According to Maddex, this is a great honor and it not only comes with a scholarship. “In that program, I am provided with mentoring from St. Louis Symphony staff, as well as given special performance, conference, workshop and leadership opportunities.”