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Four Academic Colleges Guide Lindenwood's Future
General, Academics, College of Arts and Humanities, Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship, College of Education and Human Services, College of Science, Technology, and Health

Lindenwood University proudly transitions from six academic schools to four academic colleges beginning July 1, 2021. This restructure allows for alignment of like-minded scholars and align with the University’s strategic plan, set to be rolled out in early fall.

Lindenwood Named a College of Distinction in 2021-2022 Cohort
Academics, General

Lindenwood University has been recognized for its honorable commitment to engaged, hands-on education by Colleges of Distinction, a one-of-a-kind guide for college-bound students. As an institution whose primary goals are based on student success and satisfaction, Lindenwood claims its honor as one of the renowned Colleges of Distinction.

CPED Accepts Lindenwood Into Consortium
General, Academics

The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate accepted Lindenwood University into its Consortium this past June. Lindenwood was one of nine universities to be accepted and joins more than 115 current institutions.

LindenGiving Stuffs Backpacks for St. Charles Students
General, Student Life

LindenGiving, a community outreach endeavor, partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri on Wednesday. Volunteers from across campus gave their time to stuff backpacks with needed school supplies for various St. Charles middle and high school students.