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Limited On-Campus Operations Through January 7

Dr. John Porter announced that Lindenwood University will be limiting campus operations for the week of January 3-7, 2022. Essential employees will report to work as scheduled, and all non-essential employees will work remotely during this period.

Digital Humanities Awarded NEH Grant
General, Academics, College of Arts and Humanities

Lindenwood University has been awarded a federal planning grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) in support of a regional digital humanities program involving institutions of higher education and secondary education institutions.

MBA Program Ranked Fourth by St. Louis Business Journal
General, Academics, Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship

Lindenwood University’s MBA program has been ranked fourth by the St. Louis Business Journal on their 2021 list of St. Louis’ Largest MBA Programs. This ranking exemplifies Lindenwood’s mission and dedication to providing accessible education to all types of students.

Alpha Chi Pi Chapter Inducts Record Number of Students
General, Academics

On October 28, 2021, the Lindenwood chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society inducted 114 students into the organization, a record-high number of inductees for the University.

Updated Campus Protocols - January 28

Lindenwood’s Executive Cabinet reviewed recommendations from the Pandemic Preparedness Task Force (PPT) and has issued updated guidance for the campus community, effective today, January 28.