Lindenwood hosts Boys and Girls State for the First Time
Lindenwood University had the honor of hosting almost 1,500 high school juniors on campus for The American Legion Boys State of Missouri and the American Legion Auxiliary Missouri Girls State.

Campus Updates and Improvements for Fall 2022
Over the summer, Lindenwood has been working to complete four major updates and improvements to certain areas of campus. These improvements will not only enhance the University but also the overall student experience by providing more options and opportunities on campus.

Dr. Marcus Smith Awarded IDEAS Grant to Build Study Abroad Capacity
Lindenwood University has been selected to receive funding support from the U.S. Department of State’s Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students (IDEAS) Program.

Faculty Appointment Enhances College of Education and Human Services
The College of Education and Human Services welcomes a new faculty member to the Counseling Department for the 2022-23 academic year.