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Women's Volleyball Wins OVC Championship With 3-0 Sweep Over Morehead State
General, Athletics

Lindenwood women's volleyball (23-10, 14-4 OVC) was crowned the Ohio Valley Conference Tournament Champions after defeating #4 Morehead State by a final score of 3-0. It marked the first conference championship in program history at the Division I level and LU's most wins in a season since 2011.

Lindenwood Microbiology Students Present at State Conference
General, Academics, College of Science, Technology, and Health

In November, three Lindenwood microbiology students traveled to Fulton, Missouri for the state branch of the American Society for Microbiologists’ annual meeting, with Associate Professor Dr. Chad Welsh. At the conference, Lindenwood students Olivia Fotiadis, Brooklyn Bumbales, and Ada Sardaña Sambola presented their multi-year individual research projects in which Fotiadis won second prize.

Dr. Deborah Noble-Triplett Named Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs
General, Academics, College of Arts and Humanities, Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship, College of Education and Human Services, College of Science, Technology, and Health

Lindenwood University has named Dr. Deborah Noble-Triplett its next Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. With more than 25 years in higher education, Noble-Triplett has been committed to “transformation, impact, engagement and service”.

Lindenwood Donates Care Packages to Overseas Troops

The Lindenwood University Student Veteran Organization and Veteran Affairs Office partnered in a recent care package drive. Through this effort, 85 overseas troops will receive care packages thanks to the generosity of the Lindenwood community.