By Sanorah Eldred
The journey of Academic Success is a challenging road. Though it may be difficult, it is possible through the support of students and staff alike. Lindenwood University is a school founded on the basis of Real Experience and Real Success. That is why it was no surprise when Dr. Robyn Elder and Dr. Lynda Leavitt developed the Cap It! podcast. The goal of the podcast is to establish communication with doctoral students about updates within Ed.D. program, as well as tips for success with their dissertations.
Dr. Elder and Dr. Leavitt are both well-established educators with a long history with the education field. Dr. Elder is currently an Assistant Professor in the Education Leadership Department, Director of General Education Assessment, and Editor of the Journal of Educational Leadership in Action. Throughout her educational journey she has earned her Bachelor’s degree in English from Mizzou, a Master’s degree in Teaching, and later an Ed.D. in instructional leadership from Lindenwood University.
Dr. Leavitt, on the other hand, is currently a Professor in the School of Education, the Program Director for the online Leadership, Ed.D. and a Fellow for the RSA (Royal Society of the Arts). She also serves as the School of Education Faculty Council representative, is a member of the Council of Educational Leadership, as well as a member of the Lindenwood University Research Policy Advisory. Dr. Leavitt also serves as a member of the Social Innovation Challenge team as a design thinking coach. Throughout her journey Dr. Leavitt has earned her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from St. Louis University, her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction, her Master’s in International Studies, her Bachelor’s in Elementary and Special Education, and her Bachelor’s in Political Science. Dr. Leavitt has also earned her Foundations in Design and Advanced Design Thinking Certificates from IDEO.
Both accomplished professors saw a need for a platform through which students can interact and feel that they are not alone on their path to graduation. Their podcast is open to a multitude of voices including guests such as current students, graduates, innovators in education, published authors, professors, and university leaders. When asked what they hope to achieve with the podcast they said, “… we hope to offer an alternative platform of communication for the Lindenwood University doctoral student, on their journey to earning an EdD degree. Our purpose is to provide increased transparency for “all things dissertation” – as they strive to “Cap IT!””
Such an inspirational message is one that highlights just how dedicated Lindenwood staff is to helping students to succeed. With such variety of discussion and collaboration, inspiration is bound to excite.

The Linden Gold
The Linden Gold is a student operated organization focusing on promoting the academic success and achievements of Lindenwood. Through stories about alumni, current students, and faculty alike, The Linden Gold strives to engage with the St. Charles Community and showcase the unique greatness of Lindenwood.