Jim Mosquera has been appointed director of the John W. Hammond Institute for Free Enterprise within the Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship at Lindenwood University. He also will retain his duties as director of the Duree Center for Entrepreneurship.
“I’m delighted to have the opportunity to serve the Hammond Institute,” Mosquera said. “Both my fiction and non-fiction writing focus on the struggle between liberty and authority. It’s a tenuous balance that continues to tip in one direction. It’s something about which I’ll create more awareness.”
Prior to his arrival to Lindenwood, Mosquera was the vice president of corporate development for a locally managed IT, software development, and consultant provider. He has enjoyed a distinguished corporate career in telecommunications, technology, and software development. He founded a consultancy offering alternative finance and debt restructuring for the small- to medium-sized business market.
Additionally, Mosquera founded a publishing company and has authored eight books, including fiction and non-fiction, as well as five audio productions. He’s also served as an editor for financial and investor journals, including Examiner.com, Daily Reckoning, Seeking Alpa, and TalkMarkets.
Mosquera is an active investor, researcher, and lecturer in digital money, cryptocurrency, and blockchain spaces – a perfect intersection of his previous experiences that he’ll now be able to share with students at Lindenwood. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in industrial engineering with an emphasis in operations research and computer simulation.