LU IRB#: IRB-22-66
PI: Chad Kerksick
Description of Study
We are conducting this study to assess the effects of a single bout of exercise on video game play performance and mechanics in a Esports tournament setting.
Esports Performance and Innovation Center (Fieldhouse 110)
209 S Kingshighway St
Saint Charles, MO 63301
Number of Visits
Time Commitment
Visits 1: 30 Minutes
Visits 2-3: 2 Hours Each
Tournament winners can win up to $100 (Direct Deposit)
Point of Contact
Connor Gaige
Research Sample Needed
- 24 Healthy People
Inclusion Criteria
- High School Age to 35 years of age.
- Body Mass Index less than 30 kg/m2.
- Free of any known cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, or musculoskeletal ailments.
- Rocket League Rank of Gold 1 – Champion 3.
Exclusion Criteria
- Outside of age range.
- A cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, or musculoskeletal ailment that prevents them from exercise.
- Does not meet rocket league rank.
- Body mass index is outside of posted inclusion range.
- Noncompliance with exercise protocol.
Are You Eligible?
Information provided here reflects current IRB approval for this research. However, this information may be subject to change and updated accordingly.
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