On April 24, 2014, the Hammond Institute partnered with the Show-Me Institute to host a public discussion of tax credit scholarships. The event, which was held at Lindenwood University, included two presentations describing how these programs have worked in other states. A third presentation discussed the results of a poll that asked Missourians their views about school choice, and the event closed with a panel of Missouri lawmakers discussing the state of educational reform in Missouri.
Here is a statement of the issue: "Many students in unaccredited school districts want and need better educational options. However, Missouri’s public school leaders do not want to provide those options through inter-district choice programs. They worry that inter-district choice would bankrupt struggling school districts and place an undue burden on the more successful ones. There is, however, an option that avoids these problems – private school choice financed through tax credit scholarship programs. These programs, which are in place in 14 states, expand educational opportunities for K-12 students by generating private investment in education."
Two of the presenters, Jonathan Butcher of the Goldwater Institute and Jason Bedrick of the Cato Institute, sat down for short interviews to preview their findings. Below are those interviews followed by videos from the event.