Testing Services are provided on the Lindenwood campus through the office of Student and Academic Support Services (SASS). These services assist both students and faculty by providing a proctored testing environment. Exams are administered in Room 346 of the Library and Academic Resources Center (LARC).
Testing Services are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please note that these services end at 5 p.m. and all exams must be completed by this time. No exams will be scheduled after 4 p.m.
- Students must make their appointment at least 3 days in advance. We recommend you schedule at least one week in advance to reserve the time you need.
- Students looking to make an Adobe Certification appointment must allow 2 weeks prior to the date of the exam.
- A Lindenwood ID is required by all examinees. Students who do not have a photo ID will not be permitted to take the exam.
- The proctor will not provide any testing materials. All materials from calculators to writing utensils must be brought by the examinee.
- All backpacks, cell phones, and smart watches will be left with the proctor and returned when the exam has been collected.
- All online exams will be taken on university computers.
- Students who arrive more than 10 minutes after their appointment time will need to reschedule.
- Any questions can be directed to testingservices@lindenwood.edu.
- Click on the link below to make an exam appointment. The video below explains how to navigate the online schedule to ensure you make the appointment correctly.
Make an Exam Appointment
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is allowed to use Testing Services?
Testing Services are available to all students who have accommodations through the university or have an excused absence due to an athletic or medical event. Knowledge of expected absences should be communicated with the instructor when the absence is confirmed as exams are often requested to be completed prior the expected absence. The student should communicate with the instructor as soon as possible regarding any unexpected absences.
Can I use the Lockdown Browser on my personal device?
Students can use the Respondus Lockdown Browser program on their personal devices to take exams that require this program.
Students can download the program to their PC, Mac, or iPad using the following link: Respondus Lockdown Program
Full directions on how to install the program can be found here: Lindenwood Respondus Directions
The Lockdown Browser is installed on all university computers for student use.
Why do I need to schedule my exam appointment so early?
Exams must be scheduled 3 days in advance to allow time for Testing Services to communicate with the instructor, receive the exam, and troubleshoot any possible scheduling conflicts that may arise from the original exam appointment. Such conflicts may include the requested appointment does not align with the original exam time, the exam date has been moved after the appointment was made, or the instructor may request the exam be taken at an alternate time.
What if I need to schedule an exam within three days?
The 3-day rule is in place to provide the best possible management of the Testing Services while allowing enough time for students to make appointments within the same week. We suggest students make their exam appointments based on the provided syllabus at the beginning of each semester. The online schedule allows students to make appointments from the first day of the classes through the week of final exams.
If an exam is moved to an earlier time that may conflict with the 3-day rule, the student should contact Testing Services at testingservices@lindenwood.edu to request an appointment. Their request will be verified with the instructor and the appointment will be made based on availability. These requests should be infrequent and are not guaranteed to be approved.