


Lindenwood University partners with corporate and educational organizations to provide educational opportunities.

Corporate Gold Program

Corporate Gold Program

The Corporate GOLD Program is exclusive to partners who invest in a mutually beneficial relationship to provide education opportunities to their employees.

Corporate Gold Program

Dorsey College Pathways

Dorsey College Pathways

As a member of the Lindenwood Education System, Dorsey College graduates enjoy personalized pathways to continue their education at Lindenwood University.

Dorsey College Pathways

Educational Gold Program

Educational Gold Program

The Lindenwood University K-12 GOLD Program is exclusive to K-12 partners who are investing in a mutually beneficial relationship that will provide higher education opportunities and benefits to their employees.

Educational Gold Program

Professional and Continuing Education (PACE)

Professional and Continuing Education (PACE)

K-12 Professional Development and Innovative Career Trainings. Supporting educators, counselors, districts, educational organizations, and professionals seeking professional development and continuing education

Professional and Continuing Education (PACE)