College of Arts and Humanities

Game Design (BA) with emphasis in Game Art

Game Design (BA) with emphasis in Game Art

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Craft Worlds, Create Legends: Your Game Design Adventure Starts Now!

Bachelor of Arts (BA) offered in On-campus and Online formats.

The Game Design (BA) with emphasis in Game Art requires 36 credit hours for completion. Including required game art courses such as drawing, concept design, classical myth, and 3D animation.

Empower Your Artistic Vision: Game Design (BA) Program at Lindenwood University

Welcome, creative visionary, to Lindenwood University, where your artistic journey in game design commences. Our Bachelor of Arts in Game Design with an Art Emphasis is not just a degree program; it’s a canvas for your imagination, blending artistic skill with game development. In this rapidly evolving field, our curriculum is precisely formulated to launch you into a future where art and technology merge, creating games that captivate and inspire.

“I became immersed in an environment both supportive and challenging, using industry-standard software and practices to experiment and develop game design skills. The structure of the program built upon each stage of game development, transcending my game idea into a fully-realized video game. Their hands-on approach of applying theory to a game project was educational and deeply fulfilling.”

- Luke Maeser

Where Artistry Meets Game Design

Are you the kind of artist who sees games as moving canvases? Do you dream of bringing fantastical worlds to life? If your mind is buzzing with ideas, Lindenwood University’s St. Louis BA in Game Design with an Art Emphasis is your calling.

Is the BA in Game Design with Game Art Emphasis at Lindenwood University Right for You?

This degree program is designed for those who possess a creative flair and a passion for visual storytelling within the gaming context. It’s ideal for individuals intrigued by the artistic aspects of game design and are enthusiastic about mastering the art of creating visually compelling and immersive game environments.

What Sets Us Apart:

  • Artistic Skill Development: Master courses in drawing, concept design, and 3D animation, essential for any aspiring game artist.
  • Immersive Technology: Engage with immersive reality technologies, integrating art and virtual reality, to create fully immersive game experiences.
  • Industry-Connected Faculty: Learn from industry veterans and mentors who bridge theory with real-world practice, preparing you for a dynamic career in game art.

Design, Create, Innovate: Your Path to Artistic Mastery in Game Design

Our curriculum offers a project-based, hands-on learning experience, focusing on essential areas like drawing, concept design, classical mythology, and 3D animation. You’ll not only study a broad range of artistic topics but also engage in courses that blend your artistic skills with practical game development, ensuring your journey is comprehensive and industry-relevant.

Our program, available in online and blended formats, includes specialized courses in game art, equipping you with the skills to excel in roles such as concept artist, 3D modeler, and art director.

3D graphic of a goblin holding a paint brush

Level Up Your Future

We're all about hands-on learning. Our Bachelor’s in Game Design program incorporates immersive reality technologies and virtual reality headsets. Why? Because we believe in fully immersive educational experiences. When you're immersed, you engage more deeply, understand more profoundly, and connect more meaningfully with your instructors and peers. It's about learning in a whole new dimension.

Your Path to Success

Choose your learning style. Whether you prefer online flexibility or the energy of on-campus courses, our program offers both. Dive into major coursework and fulfill general education requirements, all while pursuing your passion for game design. Our online and hybrid courses include Game Development, Concept Design, and 3D Animation.

What Lies Ahead

In the competitive world of game design, your path is wide open. Become a game designer, programmer, tester, or artist—each with its unique specialty. Explore roles like mechanics designer, writer, concept artist, modeler, art director, engine specialist, or games tester. With a BA in Game Design from Lindenwood University, you'll have the skills and knowledge to thrive in this exciting industry.

Game Design Faculty at Lindenwood University

3D graphic of apples

Our faculty members aren't just educators; they're industry veterans and mentors. They bridge the gap between theory and real-world practice, by having the educational background and real-world, professional skills that allow them to understand the quickly changing landscape of the industry, preparing you for a career in game design.

Embark on Your Artistic Journey in Game Design at Lindenwood University

Ready to turn your artistic dreams into reality? Join us at Lindenwood University for an adventure in game art. Here, your passion for artistic game design will evolve into a fulfilling career, where you’re not just creating games but crafting legends. Apply now and take the first step towards a future where your artistic vision shapes the world of gaming!

Awards and Rankings for Game Design

St. Louis James Paul Gee Learning Games Award Finalist Best Online Bachelor’s in Video Game Design Programs Best Online Bachelors - Video Game Design Degree Program by Best Colleges Best Game Design Program - 2019 - Best Online Schools - VideoGame Design 2019 - EDsmart Best Online Colleges - Video Game Design 2019 - Best Online Programs - Bachelor in Game Design 2019 -