What can you get involved in outside of class when you're a history student at Lindenwood? You've got several options!

Add Geographic Information System (GIS) Skills to Your Resume
Students like you across campus participate in a variety of community partnerships and internships through the department's offerings in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). For example, students in Advanced GIS (GEO 30000) have been working with the city of Ferguson to create a GIS prioritizing rehabilitation funding efforts. Having a GIS skill set upon graduation can launch you into careers such as urban planning, data analyst, public administration, conservation/forestry, biology, and the health sciences. Our GIS Lab is a place where students collaborate on class projects and engage in independent as well as service learning research projects. The lab hosts an annual GIS Day event and sponsors K-12 teacher workshops.

Grow with Historical Methods and the Capstone Courses
You will develop the skills necessary for success in a wide variety of professions through the courses and experiences in our department. You will be challenged to read, think, analyze, synthesize, discuss, and present ideas. You will learn skills to succeed as a historian in the Methods course your second semester and begin to develop a community with other history majors. Your senior year, you will demonstrate your mastery of these skills in a capstone class. The best paper receives a cash prize.

Join Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society
Phi Alpha Theta is the American honor society for students and professors of history. Once you have competed 12 semester hours in history, have at least a GPA of 3.1 in history and a GPA of 3.0 overall, you are eligible for membership. We always celebrate initiation with a reception. At the annual Honors Convocation, you might be selected for The Phi Alpha Theta History Award that goes to an outstanding history major or The Schoenhard American Heritage Award is for outstanding achievement in the study of American values. The Faculty Advisor, Dr. Michael Whaley, would like to hear from you. Contact him at mwhaley@lindenwood.edu.

Present Your Papers and Attend Research Conferences
We will support your participation in regional and national conferences if you want to pursue a graduate degree in history. Lindenwood students often present papers at Missouri Conference on History and we now offer opportunities to attend national conferences like the American Historical Association.

Explore with the History and Geography Club
This group is open to everyone interested in history and geography. History and geography students, their friends, and faculty take a field trip every semester, often with behind the scenes experiences. You can join in the annual trivia night, watch movies, or organize your own special events. The Faculty Advisor, Dr. Patrick O’Banion, would like to hear from you. Contact him at pobanion@lindenwood.edu.

Celebrate with a Graduation Dinner
Attend your graduation dinner, hosted by the department faculty, to celebrate the end of your college career and the beginning of the next stage of your life. We’re not saying “good-bye,” but “we’ve enjoyed having you with us and keep in touch.”

Study Abroad for a Semester at York St. John University
Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans… and you! Spend a fall or spring semester in York, England, studying within sight of the medieval city walls in England’s northern capital. What an amazing opportunity to live in England, explore Europe, and take courses that count for your history degree!