College of Arts and Humanities

IMF 51655 Fiction: Short Story Collections L

IMF 51655 Fiction: Short Story Collections L

College of Arts and Humanities NAVIGATION


Kali VanBaale

Class Type 


Course Description

This course will examine the literary form of the short story collection by examining three short story master writers—Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri, In the Bedroom by Andre Dubus, and Birds of America by Lorrie Moore. We’ll discuss each individual story in the collections, and then the body of the collection as a whole—what unifies the collections beyond the individual author, how the collections were put together in their story order, and what story the collections tell as a whole. And finally, we’ll get into the finer details of constructing short story collections from number of stories, to titles, to choosing stories for your own collection.


Interpreter of Maladies
Jhumpa Lahiri
ISBN 9780395927205

In the Bedroom
Andre Dubus
ISBN 9781400030774

Birds of America
Lorrie Moore
ISBN 9780307474964