College of Arts and Humanities

IMF 51660 Fiction: Techniques in Contemporary Fiction

IMF 51660 Fiction: Techniques in Contemporary Fiction

College of Arts and Humanities NAVIGATION


Nathaniel Minton

Class Type 


Course Description

In this course we’ll engage with the strategies and methods involved in contemporary
fiction. We often talk about “craft” in fiction and the tools associated with it such as point of view, tense, setting, characterization, and plot development. Those are the basic building blocks of fiction and he idea of “technique” is slightly different in that the tools become more specialized and specific to the individual writer. This course examines some of those finer details which include the particular use of language to create a unique voice, manipulation of structure, unreliable narration, and non-linear storytelling among many others. The techniques allow a writer to build on that foundation of craft and create works that are unique in voice and style to deliberately evoke responses from readers. While these techniques can open a huge world of possibilities to the writer there are pitfalls to each and learning to successfully navigate them takes some knowledge and practice.


No textbook