What is LindenTeach?
LindenTeach is a paid internship program where you serve as a substitute teacher two to three days a week in one building in a partner school district. You enroll in a three hour elective internship course taught by Dr. Amanda Aldridge if you are accepted into the program. You will attend class meetings, submit assignments, and be observed teaching at your assigned school. The following semester, you will student teach in the same district and school. However, the traditional student teaching experience is unpaid.
That sounds amazing. How can I sign up?
You will need to apply through Lindenwood to be a part of the program. If selected, you will apply for the substitute teacher position with a partner district and experience the interview process. You will be notified if you have been accepted, and Lindenwood will register you for the 3 hour LindenTeach Internship course.
Even if I am not planning to student teach right away, can I still apply for the internship?
You can still apply for the internship, but priority will be given to teacher candidates that will enroll in the internship the semester immediately prior to student teaching.
I understand that the internship will be a paid internship. Will I also get paid for substitute teaching during my student teaching experience?
You will not be paid as a substitute teacher during your student teaching experience.
Can I apply for the internship if I am a substitute teacher in a district that is not currently partnering with Lindenwood for this program?
Only district partners that have agreed to this special internship agreement with Lindenwood will be considered as placement sites.
Can this experience count towards my required practicum hours?
No, this experience cannot count towards any state required observation/practicum hours. This internship was designed to supplement that experience and provide you with hands on, authentic experiences that will help prepare you as an educator.
Can the Internship hours count towards my 16 week student teaching experience?
No, this internship will not count towards your 16 week student teaching experience. However, Lindenwood will do everything possible to place you in the same district and school for your student teaching experience.
I do not have transportation. Can I still participate in this Internship program?
Teacher candidates are responsible for arranging all transportation to and from the internship site.
Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
Please contact Dr. Amanda Aldridge at aaldridge@lindenwood.edu if you have any questions about this program.