For specific questions on degree conferral and commencement that are not answered below, please contact
What time should candidates arrive at the Lindenwood Hyland Arena and when will the ceremonies begin?
All graduating students choosing to participate in the ceremony are required to check-in for the ceremony at the check-in tables 1 hour before the start of the ceremony.
Arrival Time
Start Time
Graduate Level: Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Graduate Level: College of Arts and Humanities
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Graduate Level: College of Science, Technology, and Health
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Undergraduate Level: Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Undergraduate Level: College of Science, Technology, and Health
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
Undergraduate Level: College of Arts and Humanities
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
Undergrad, Graduate, EdS, EdD Levels: College of Education and Human Services
5 p.m.
6 p.m.
What happens at the check-in table?
All graduating students will receive a card with their diploma name and line up information. Students should then proceed to the student line-up area. Students will line-up with other students within their college and then by degree level.
Do guests need tickets?
Yes, students will need to register for 4 tickets and can also submit a request to waitlist for additional tickets. Late registrants will be allotted 2 tickets if they are still available. We will live-stream the ceremonies on our website. An email will be sent to students regarding the ticket registration process after the student has placed their regalia order with Herff Jones.
What time should guests arrive?
The Lindenwood Hyland Arena will open to the public 1½ hours before the start of each ceremony.
How long does the ceremony usually last?
The ceremony will be approximately 1.5 to 2 hours in length.
How do I order my cap and gown for the ceremony?
Order online at the Herff Jones website between February 7 and March 28 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. We will notify you via email when the regalia is available for pick up if you choose the “ship to campus” option.
Do I have to wear a cap and gown to the commencement ceremony?
Yes, all faculty and students taking part in the graduation ceremony are required to wear traditional academic attire.
Can I participate if I already have a cap and gown from somewhere else?
No. Graduating students must order a cap and gown from Herff Jones. Herff Jones provides Lindenwood with a list of students who placed orders online, and this list is used to generate the lineup and seating for the ceremony. If you have not ordered from Herff Jones, you will not have a place in the lineup or a place in the graduating student seating area.
Will my name be read?
Yes. All graduating students come to the stage, present their card to the reader, walk across the stage, and then are congratulated by the president and dean of the college.
How will students line-up for the ceremony?
Students will line up and be seated with other students within their college by degree level. The card they receive from the check-in table will include a row and seat number. Lindenwood staff will be available to assist students in the line-up area.
Do I qualify for general honors, and how do I get my honors cords?
The Lindenwood faculty awards general honors to those undergraduate students who have completed all degree requirements with academic distinction. To be eligible for general honors, a student must have completed a minimum of 50 semester hours in residence at Lindenwood University. Students whose Lindenwood cumulative grade point averages fall within the following ranges are eligible for Cum Laude (3.70 to 3.85), Magna Cum Laude (3.86 to 3.93), or Summa Cum Laude (3.94 to 4.00). Students must have achieved the minimum cumulative GPA and minimum hours by the end of the academic semester preceding the May Commencement. Honors reflected on the diploma and transcript will be determined by the gpa and hours after the final grades have been issued of the last term. General honors cannot be based on the estimated outcome of terms in progress at the time of the May Commencement. Please note: General honors are not awarded to graduate, specialist, or doctoral students.
When and where do I pick up my honors cords?
Honors cords will be distributed to eligible undergraduate students at graduation check-in on the day of the ceremony.
Do I have to wear my hood during the ceremony if I am a graduate student?
Graduate students should wear all items including the hood when they arrive for check-in at Commencement.
Is there a graduation rehearsal I need to attend?
No, there is no rehearsal.
When do I get my diploma?
Diplomas will be mailed directly to the student’s billing address listed in our student information system if the student’s account balance does not have a delinquent balance. Diplomas will be mailed between five and eight weeks after the conferral date (October 30, December 30, March 30, May 30, and August 15). Conferral date is defined as the date on which your degree is officially awarded; it will not be the Commencement date.
Will professional photos be taken?
Lindenwood University contracts with GradImages® to photograph each graduate at Commencement. These photos are taken when graduates receive their diploma and stand in front of a Lindenwood banner. Graduates can pre-register their e-mail, and GradImages will contact them when photos are available for online viewing and ordering. While there is no obligation to purchase, proofs will be emailed and mailed to each student’s address. Up to 6 (six) family members’ contact information may be added to help share the good news and the photos by going to the GradImages site.
Lindenwood University has no affiliation with the photographer; inquiries should be directed to GradImages® Customer Service Department, and they can be reached by phone at 1 (800) 261-2576 and, via the web at
Where can I purchase Graduation announcements and class rings?
Formal graduation announcements and class rings are available to order online.