Interested in faculty positions at Lindenwood? Get to know about each of our academic colleges.
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College of Arts and Humanities
Housed in the J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts and McCluer Hall, the College of Arts and Humanities comprises programs in the visual and performing arts, journalism, advertising, public relations, and more. Faculty members bring their many years of professional experience to the classroom and are dedicated to helping students transfer academic knowledge into their future careers.

Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Lindenwood's business school is one of the largest in the region and offers opportunities for specialization in twelve separate business fields. Faculty members bring both academic and professional achievement to the classroom, with a majority holding a doctoral degree in specialty fields and significant first-hand experience in the business world. The PCB&E emphasizes entrepreneurship, early student contact with the business world, and extensive faculty-student interaction.

College of Education and Human Services
The mission of the College of Education and Human Services at Lindenwood University is to prepare educators, counselors, and leaders who meet the standards set forth by national accrediting organizations, state licensing agencies, and/or other learned societies. College of Education and Human Services faculty collaborate with colleagues from many schools and community organizations to deliver outstanding learning opportunities for all students.

College of Science, Technology, and Health
The College of Science, Technology, and Health faculty is made up of active instructors and researchers who bring years of professional experience into the classroom. They lead students in the development of adaptive thinking and problem-solving skills by encouraging independent research and active participation in internships and community-focused projects and programs.