J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts

K-12 Matinée - Keep Marching: The Road to the March On Washington

K-12 Matinée - Keep Marching: The Road to the March On Washington

Wednesday, January 31 | 10 a.m.        

Keep Marching: The Road to the March On Washington is a new play with music by Mad River Theater Works. Bringing collected oral history to life, the one-act play explores the historic 1963 March On Washington. Revered as the day that Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous 'I Have A Dream' speech in August of 1963, the event drew over a quarter of a million people together in a peaceful gathering, and was a shining moment in the progression of equality in America, as well as a pivotal action in the civil rights movement of the 1960's.

At the heart of the play is the following question: Not knowing that Dr. King was going to deliver one of the most iconic speeches in modern history, why did so many people go? And seeing that 1963 was one of the most violent years of the civil rights movement, this question is then further focused to: What inspired young people in their teens or twenties to go?

The play is built upon two threads of storytelling. One is the historical record of the plans, motivations, fears and concerns that went into organizing the march. The second stems from collected oral histories, gathered by playwright Daniel Carlton, of people who attended the March. Weaving these threads together are the play’s news reporters: through these fictitious characters, Keep Marching brings to life many of the iconic figures behind the demonstration including Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin, and John Lewis.

Recommended for grades 4–12. 

A study guide is available. Please inquire during registration.

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