
Gaming at the Media and Gaming Lab (MGL)

Gaming at the Media and Gaming Lab (MGL)

Gaming at the Media and Gaming Lab (MGL) supports a wide variety of campus interdisciplinary programs, scholarly research, and student needs involving video, board and tabletop RPG games—from game design and education to creative writing, psychology, and others investigating the technology, game world structure, narratives, and social interactions present in games. The collection supports the needs of students interested in games for class projects and related activities, as well as serving to enhance the Lindenwood community.

Gaming Collections | Lindenwood University

What's Available

At the MGL, students have access to current gaming systems, including:

  • Playstation 5
  • Xbox One
  • Playstation 4
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Meta Quest 2

Additionally, the gaming collection includes a vintage PC gaming collection, an education-oriented gaming collection, a wide variety of traditional and euro board and card games, and a solid collection of tabletop RPG gaming systems (including Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons, Traveller, Adventures in Middle Earth, and many more).

Gaming Events

The Media and Gaming Lab organizes gaming events on campus, aimed at offering opportunities for creative interdisciplinary interaction between faculty and students. Two such events include the Open RPG Day and the Switch Night.