Overdrive Audiobooks and Ebooks
OverDrive contains a little over 12,640 eBooks and 6,210 Audiobooks; titles can either be streamed or downloaded to your device. To stream or download Audiobooks and eBooks, you will need to download the OverDrive App. Streaming Audiobooks and eBooks requires a constant internet connection. To download an eBook, you will also need: Download Adobe Digital editions—program (for a computer) or app (for a smart device) If you are using a Kindle, you will need to give OverDrive access to your Amazon account. The book will be downloaded to your device through your Amazon account.

Ebsco Ebooks Collections
Search and view the full text of Ebsco eBooks. Download the Ebsco Ebooks app, available in Google Play or iTunes. Learn how to setup the app here. Special eBook Collections: Education Collection, Academic Collection, Clinical Collection, Community College Collection, High School Collection, K-8 Collection, Public Library Collection

IEEE Xplore provides web access to more than five-million full-text documents from some of the world's most highly-cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.