The Lindenwood - Fall 2020
4 5 FALL 2020 EDITION FALL 2020 EDITION THE LINDENWOOD THE LINDENWOOD ORRIE COVERT Vice President, Advancement and Communications BRIAN BRUNNER Associate Vice President, Advancement JEFFREY BROWN Director, Development JOSH ELLIOTT Coordinator, Budget and Research RACHAEL HEUERMANN Director, Alumni Relations SCOTT MYERS Director, Development EMILY J. SEBOURN Manager, Special Events CASSIE WESTERN Database and Stewardship Coordinator JULEE MITSLER Director, Communications ALEXANDRA BARDON Web Content Administrator JASON L. WAACK Webmaster JESSICA L. SCHROER Director, Marketing AMBER BUSH Graphic Designer PETER COLOMBATTO Digital Marketing Manager BRAD HANSEN Art Director PRESIDENT ADVANCEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS Letter from the Dear friends, In my second year at Lindenwood University, I am incredibly proud of our focus on providing a quality educational experience to students. I cherish the continued opportunity to serve our students, and I am humbled you have allowed our team to explore and creatively overcome issues in higher education. We continue to listen, to learn, and to educate our community to make Lindenwood a place for all. However, our work is far from done. Contained within these pages are success stories and moments of civic engagement, social awareness, and human compassion that make Lindenwood such a special place. I am proud of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni, who together, carry on the rich tradition of excellence. Our campus has been invigorated with creativity, intentionality, and a new strategic plan that will position Lindenwood University as a leader in higher education. I look forward to sharing our continued successes and the benchmarks of achievement as we bring our strategic plan to fruition over the coming years. Ever grateful for your friendship and support, JOHN R. PORTER, ED.D. President of Lindenwood University Department COUNTING LEAVES Greetings Lindenwood University community, I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, and safe. 2020 has been a challenging year for many people, populations, communities, races, genders, faiths, nations, and professions. It isn’t easy to summarize, but we, as global citizens, have been tested in our humanity. The challenges of the world have presented themselves with compounding effects that have forced all of us to take a hard look at the world, but more importantly, ourselves. My hope is that each of us have taken the time, energy, and space to reflect on how we show up for these challenges, especially when they have the potential to become culturally divisive within our communities. I wish for all of you to navigate our challenging pathways with patience, kindness, and respect not only for others, but also for ourselves. In our social identities and life experiences, we all possess great knowledge and power, but at the same time — pain, grief, and trauma. It is in this space, while acknowledging the delicate balance, where we can reflect, reconcile, and begin to move forward again. So that if or when we are called to action by a family member, friend, neighbor, or colleague to create change for the good of the community, we are ready, able, and willing to do so. We have within us the power of our identities and experiences – that diversity is our superpower. Join us as Lindenwood steps into a future of civic engagement and social awareness. Stay well, JENNIFER SPELLAZZA, M.S. (SHE/HER) Coordinator, Center for Diversity & Inclusion WELCOME LETTER DATA AND STATISTICS OURROOTS Nourishing Lindenwood hosted 23 diversity trainings in the Fall 2020 semester Lindenwood installed 258 hand sanitizer stations on campus 10 students per week benefit from the Little Free Pantry 15 no-touch temperature check stations were installed on campus Lindenwood students gave more than 9,200 hours of community service last year The university donated 6,500 pairs of gloves and 600 face masks to local healthcare providers 23 258 15 600 10 9,200 WARNER HALL
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