Counselors must first register with ASCA for the ASCA Specialists Trainings. You may then apply at Lindenwood for graduate credit any time during your ASCA specialist training. To avoid delays with transcripts, we encourage you to apply with Lindenwood for credit at least ONE month prior to course completion.
Download your graduate credit registration packet today!
ASCA Specialist Trainings are self-paced, online professional development courses provided by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), the membership organization for school counselors, which focuses on providing professional development, enhancing school counseling programs and researching effective school counseling practices. ASCA is the home for school counselors since 1952.
ASCA Specialist trainings are worth 3 graduate credits. Lindenwood works directly with ASCA to verify the completion of the coursework. Allow at least 1-2 months for Lindenwood registration, ASCA coursework verification, and official transcripts to be processed.
ASCA Specialist Trainings
and Conferences
Download syllabus for ASCA Conference 2025 to earn up to 4 graduate credits: 1-credit and 3-credits, and SMART Goal/Outcome template.
Download SMART Goal Template for Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts Regional Conferences SMART Goal/Outcome template.
- ASCA Conference 2025: Navigate and Innovate
- ASCA Ignite
- ASCA At Home
- ASCA National Model Specialist
- Anxiety & Stress Management Specialist
- Bullying Prevention Specialist
- Career Development Specialist
- Closing the Achievement Gap Specialist
- College Admissions Specialist
- Culturally Sustaining School Counseling Specialist
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Specialist
- Grief & Loss Specialist
- Legal & Ethical Specialist
- Mental Health Specialist
- School Counseling Association Leadership Specialist
- School Counseling Data Specialist
- School Counseling Leadership Specialist
- Students with Special Needs Specialist
- Solution Focused School Counseling Specialist
- Trauma & Crisis Specialist
Any graduate credit hours earned through these classes will NOT be suitable for transfer into a graduate degree program at Lindenwood, nor is it intended to satisfy academic requirements for new state licensure or certification. These may be applied, in most cases, to satisfy CEUs or professional development requirements (plus hours) for salary advancement and licensure renewal. It is up to individual school districts and state certification renewal requirements as to whether they will consider these graduate credits for salary advancement and licensure renewal.
Graduate credits are nonrefundable, so participants are strongly encouraged to verify with their own state education boards, human resource/professional development coordinators, or academic institution to determine if this graduate credit is applicable.
Please visit these resources to understand Lindenwood registration, grades, transcripts, and timelines.