Credit4Teachers partners with Lindenwood University to offer research-based courses for graduate credit. Together, we offer high-quality video, as well as book courses, to busy educators that include effective resources to improve students’ lives. Our research-based courses empower teachers, school counselors and social workers with practical tools related to cultivating an effective learning environment, self-care, communication, behavior tools, SEL, motivation and more.
Educators must first signup for the course at Credit4Teachers. You may then register with Lindenwood for graduate credit.
Group of four or more educators can avail a special group discount. Learn more about the group discount.
To understand Lindenwood registration | grades | transcripts | timelines, please visit: PACE Frequently Asked Questions / Academic Terms
Video Courses
Empowered Behavior
This course will empower participants to develop an understanding of the complex factors which influence behavior. Participants will be introduced to five key approaches designed to proactively support students in taking responsibility for their behavior. Additionally, participants will learn five key practices to help guide students back on track if they are experiencing challenges. Resources offered are research- based and practical. Topics such as proactive behavioral tools, responsive behavioral tools, holistic approaches, relationship building, reflection, individual behavior supports and more will be examined.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52244 (3 Credit Hours)
Empowered Behavior Part 2
This course will empower participants to develop an actionable plan to integrate ten key behavioral strategies into their work with students. Specifically, participants will craft a plan to proactively support students in taking responsibility for their behavior and also include elements focused on what to do to help guide students back on track if they are experiencing challenges. Topics such as proactive planning for successful behavioral outcomes, activating a holistic approach, relationship building, reflection, individual behavior supports and more will be examined.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52282 (3 Credit Hours)
1-2-3 Wellness
This course will empower participants with dozens of self-care resources and strategies. Participants will be introduced to a research based practice which helps foster daily wellness outcomes. Additionally, participants will be guided to craft their own, personalized self-care plans. Resources offered are research-based and practical. Topics such as stress reduction, mindfulness, daily wellness checks, self-compassion, brain-based approaches and more will be examined.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52245 (3 Credit Hours)
1-2-3 Wellness Part 2
Building upon success from the part 1 course, this course guides participants to craft a plan to integrate their learning with a focus on supporting student wellness outcomes. Their plan will draw upon course lessons related to the research-based 1-2-3 Wellness practices. Resources offered are research-based and practical. Topics such as stress reduction, mindfulness, daily wellness checks, self-compassion, brain-based approaches and more will be examined.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52283 (3 Credit Hours)
W.I.N.S Communication
In this course, participants learn research-based, brain-based communication tools. Participants are guided to practice a powerful, 4 step communication process to help all parties feel more seen, heard, and appreciated. Using the triune brain model as a guide, participants learn how to work with the brain with communication tools by cultivating safety (brain stem), connection (midbrain) and effective communication outcomes (prefrontal cortex). Importantly, participants will learn how to proactively cultivate conditions for communication success and identify and skillfully manage challenges in a proactive, thoughtful manner.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52292 (3 Credit Hours)
W.I.N.S. Communication Part 2
This course builds upon the part 1 course, guiding participants to craft a meaningful plan for communication success. Participants learn to skillfully integrate the 4 key steps of the W.I.N.S. communication process into interactions with adults and youth alike. Ultimately, participants draw upon course resources so that they are empowered with a winning communication gameplan moving forward.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52293 (3 Credit Hours)
Empowered Teaching and Learning
This course will empower participants to develop skills related to motivation, growth mindset, goal setting and relationship building. Participants will be introduced to six key approaches designed to proactively support adults students to stay connected and motivated with lessons and responsibilities. Resources offered are research-based and practical. Topics such as connecting with your WHY, strengths-based approaches, goal setting, growth mindset and more will be examined.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52243 (3 Credit Hours)
Empowered Teaching and Learning Part 2
This course will enable participants to develop a plan of action for increasing student motivation, growth mindset and successful goal setting. Participants will review and discuss literature and research conclusions and craft an actionably plan to bring these elements to life to support positive student outcomes. Each participant will craft a plan which integrates strengths-based approaches, goal setting, growth mindset and more into interactions with students.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52281 (3 Credit Hours)
Book-Study Courses
AI for Educators
This course will introduce participants to the basic tenets of how to use AI technology in the classroom to enhance the learning environment and improve student success. Through guided questions and complimentary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to AI technology use, and how to effectively plan engaging lessons as a result. Participants will be able to apply at least one idea from the book to improve the overall climate and culture in their classrooms.
Lindenwood Course:
EW 52575 Credit4Teachers - AI for Educators
Braving the Wilderness
This course will introduce participants to the basic tenets of what true ‘belonging’ feels like and looks like in today’s world, and how to utilize this knowledge to practice vulnerability, courage, empathy, and even shame in order to build connection. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve both personal growth and positive student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to developing true bravery, and how to encourage that bravery in others in their lives.
Lindenwood Course:
EW 52578 Credit4Teachers - Braving the Wilderness
Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain
This course will introduce participants to the basic tenets of cultivating a culturally responsive classroom. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to optimizing student engagement, building student strengths and competencies and a focus on how to utilize brain research to enhance student’s sense of belonging, safety, connection and success.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52574 (3 Credit Hours)
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success
This course will introduce participants to empowering rules which usher in focused success in a distracted world. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge with an emphasis on four rules for transforming your mind and habits to support focus, connection and thriving in a world wrought by information overload and distraction.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52573 (3 Credit Hours)
Fostering Resilient Learners
This course will introduce participants to strategies for creating a trauma-sensitive classroom. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to understanding childhood trauma, its effects and practical strategies to support students who have experienced trauma so that they are supported and more likely to succeed in and beyond the classroom.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52571 (3 Credit Hours)
The Joyful Teacher
This course will introduce participants to strategies for becoming the teacher every student deserves. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to ways to propel joy, personal growth, professional development and enhancing the learning culture for students and staff alike.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52294 (3 Credit Hours)
The Growth Mindset Coach
This course is ideal for teachers looking to bring growth mindset to life in their classroom. The course will introduce participants to practical ideas designed to empower students to embody a growth mindset and achieve accordingly. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to the basic tenets of fostering a growth mindset in the classroom, research-based growth mindset activities and more. Teachers are offered a month-by-month handbook to help bring growth mindset to life in their classrooms.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52295 (3 Credit Hours)
Outliers: The Story of Success
This course will introduce participants to the correlation between success, background and mindset. Participants will explore what high achievers do differently. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to powerful propellants of high achievement, how to contextualize people’s stories and create the conditions for personal and professional success.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52572 (3 Credit Hours)
What School Could Be
This course will introduce participants to motivational and engagement strategies that educators across the country have used with success. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to student growth and development, creative problem solving, relationship building and cultivating a healthy school culture.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52289 (3 Credit Hours)
Daring Greatly
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of the importance of vulnerability in building confidence in relationships, specifically focused
on leadership and connections. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including empowering students with social, emotional, and academic tools to propel their growth and development.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52288 (3 Credit Hours)
Atomic Habits
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of what atomic habits are, and the dynamics that lead to creating healthy or unhealthy habits. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including goal setting, empowering students with tools to create healthy habits, and personal growth/development.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52287 (3 Credit Hours)
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of the distinction between a fixed and growth mindset, while exploring how to apply a growth mindset in a classroom setting. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including the concept of “yet”, intentional communication, relationships, and the climate and culture of a learning environment.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52284 (3 Credit Hours)
The Art and Science of Teaching
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of the multiple factors related to effective instruction as defined by research. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including scientific instructional methods, relationship-building, fostering a positive learning environment, and trauma informed approaches.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52286 (3 Credit Hours)
Emotional Intelligence
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of what emotional intelligence is and why it is so vital to success both in and out of the classroom. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including brain development, self-awareness, and social emotional learning.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52285 (3 Credit Hours)
50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of how to utilize Google Classroom to incorporate technology into instruction and the learning environment. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including technology in education, digital tools, instructional strategies.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52204 (3 Credit Hours)
Teach With Your Strengths
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of the strengths-based approaches that can propel a mediocre teacher into a great one.
Participants will also take the Clifton Strengths Assessment and explore the results. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including personal reflection, positive student outcomes, and strength-based strategies.Lindenwood Course
EW 52242 (3 Credit Hours)
Creating Cultures of Thinking
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of how to create a culture of thinking in the classroom to take student learning to a new level. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including creative thinking tools, 8 cultural forces that create this ideal culture, and connections within other aspects of education.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52203 (3 Credit Hours0
UDL and Blended Learning
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of how to meet the needs of learners in any learning environment, specifically by applying the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including blended learning, empowering students with daily, accessible tools, and cultivating a positive classroom climate.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52237 (3 credit Hours)
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of how to identify and apply the five key elements of self-compassion. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including self-esteem, personal growth, and self-compassion techniques.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52291 (3 Credit Hours)
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of how to cultivate a community of learners who embody the human traits this world needs. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including creating a challenging learning environment, culture-centered strategies, and problem solving tools.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52236 (3 Credit Hours)
Start Here, Start Now
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of cultivating an antibias and antiracist classroom and school community. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including tackling barriers, bias in education, and empowering conversational tools.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52238 (3 Credit Hours)
I Wish My Teacher Knew
This course will introduce participants to the basic tenets of how to cultivate an innovative and consistent, influential workplace by starting with their “why”. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to tough realities children today are experiencing, and how to use this knowledge to develop solutions to these challenges in order to best meet their needs.
Lindenwood Course:
EW 52577 Credit4Teachers - I Wish My Teacher Knew
The Curious Classroom
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of student inquiry (through learning about the 10 inquiry structures) and how to utilize this approach to improve student experiences and outcomes. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including student empowerment, engagement, and research-based models.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52202 (3 Credit Hours)
Teaching in the Online Classroom
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of helpful strategies to engage students while learning online. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including creating a positive online learning culture, inclusion, navigating online learning challenges.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52290 (3 Credit Hours)
Master the Media
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable guided participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including critical thinking, safe media practices, and utilizing technology in education.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52240 (2 Credit Hours)
Why Didn’t I Learn This in College
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of concepts that are presented and taught in college educator preparation classes, specifically strategies that meet the needs of all learners. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including student engagement, learning styles, and equitable learning tools.
Lindenwood Course
EW 52239 (2 Credit Hours)
The Way They Learn
This course will enable participants to develop an increased understanding of different learning styles and the characteristics of each, to bring out a child’s greatest strengths. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve student outcomes.
The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to topics including teaching to a child’s strengths and involving all stakeholders in the learning process.Lindenwood Course
EW 52241 (1 Credit Hour)
Start with Why
This course will introduce participants to the basic tenets of how to cultivate an innovative and consistent, influential workplace by starting with their “why”. Through guided questions and complimentary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve both student and staff outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge from ideas presented in ‘The Golden Circle’ Framework in order to foster a successful workplace environment.
Lindenwood Course:
EW 52576 Credit4Teachers - Start with Why
The Teacher's Principal
This course will introduce participants to the basic tenets of how school leaders can lead with compassion and a holistic approach to help all teachers succeed. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve both personal growth and positive staff/student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to three main motivators that all teachers possess: Purpose, Priorities, and Patterns, and how to help educators stay positive yet effective throughout the school year.
Lindenwood Course:
EW 52579 Credit4Teachers - The Teacher's Principal
Trust & Inspire
This course will introduce participants to the basic tenets of how transformative leadership can encourage others to be creative and collaborative in order to foster a positive learning environment. Through guided questions and complementary course materials, participants will be guided to integrate their new understanding to improve both personal growth and positive student outcomes. The course will enable participants to develop advanced skills and knowledge related to using ‘trust and inspiration’ to lead others, instead of the traditional ‘command and control’ method to cultivate a healthy school culture.
Lindenwood Course:
EW 52580 Credit4Teachers - Trust & Inspire
Frequently Asked Questions
Credit4Teachers Course Registration
Register for Credit4Teachers Course
Participants must first register with Credit4Teachers for the course. You may then apply at Lindenwood for graduate credit any time during the Credit4Teachers course. To avoid delays with grades and transcripts, we encourage you to apply to Lindenwood at least ONE month prior to course completion.
Lindenwood Application
How do I enroll at Lindenwood for graduate credit?
Participants must first register with Credit4Teachers for the course. You may then apply at Lindenwood for graduate credit any time during the Credit4Teachers course. To avoid delays with grades and transcripts, we encourage you to apply to Lindenwood at least ONE month prior to course completion.
To earn graduate credit, please complete the following steps:
- Complete the Lindenwood workshop application each time you enroll in a workshop. Select '3rd party payment' as your payment option since Credit4Teachers pays Lindenwood on your behalf - Register Now.
- Go to ‘Create an account’ if you are unable to login to the application system. The system will recognize your email address and allow you to reset the password. Alternatively, try the option ‘Forgot your password’ under the 'Returning Users' section.
- Allow ONE month for your workshop application to be processed (graduate credit fees are non-refundable except when the course is cancelled by Credit4Teachers).
Student Portal - Unofficial Transcripts and Billing Statement
How can I view my courses, grades, and unofficial transcripts?
If you completed your Credit4Teachers course this month, your grades will be available approximately by the third week of next month.
- Student records, unofficial transcript, and billing statement can be accessed through the Student Portal at My Lindenwood. If grading or registration is still a work in progress, the courses and grades will NOT show on the unofficial transcript.
- Login credentials are available once your workshop application is processed (allow up to ONE month to process Lindenwood registrations). To obtain a Lindenwood username and password, reach out to IT at (636) 255-5100 or email IT Helpdesk with your full name and initials as per our records.
- For billing statement copies, reach out to the Bursar's office or call (636) 949-4650
Grade and Official Transcripts
How are grades processed for Lindenwood graduate credit?
If you completed your Credit4Teachers course this month, your grades will be available approximately by the third week of next month.
Note: We highly encourage you to check unofficial transcript prior to ordering an official copy. If registration or grading is still a work in progress, the courses and grades will NOT show on the unofficial transcript.
How do I order transcripts?
- Grade status and unofficial transcripts are available through your Student Portal at My Lindenwood.
- Login credentials are available once your workshop application is processed (allow up to ONE month to process Lindenwood registration). To obtain a Lindenwood username and password, reach out to IT at (636) 255-5100 or email IT Helpdesk with your full name and initials as per our records.
- An official transcript may be ordered online through Parchment using a credit card. Please select the delivery option “Hold for Grades” if your grades are a work in progress or if you do not see the course (s) listed on the unofficial transcript. The cost for an electronic transcript is $8 per transcript.
- Official transcripts are sent directly to a college, employer or other agency and bear the university seal. Student copies may be sent directly to the student and are identified as such. The fee for either type of transcript is the same.
Academic Term and Key Registration Dates
Students are encouraged to register for graduate credit before the completion of the Credit4Teachers course and before the semester ends.
If you completed your Credit4Teachers course this month, your grades will be available approximately by the third week of next month.
To avoid transcript delays, we encourage you to register at least 15 days before the semester ends.
- Summer 2023: May 15, 2023 - August 6, 2023
- Fall 2023: August 21, 2023 - December 8, 2023
- Spring 2024: January 8, 2024 - May 3, 2024
- Summer 2024: May 13, 2024 - August 4, 2024
**Advance registrations for a new term are open once the prior term ends.
**Registrations are open all year long for Credit4Teachers courses.