Lindenwood Campus Closed (1/6)

Lindenwood Campus Closed (1/6)

Due to inclement weather and potentially hazardous road conditions, the Lindenwood University campus will be closed on January 6, 2025. Non-essential employees are to work their regular hours remotely. Essential Employees should contact their supervisor for their on-campus schedule. We thank you in advance for your service. 

In-person campus activities are canceled. Virtual events may continue as planned. Any change in dining service hours can be found on Lion’s Dining Homepage or the Lion’s Dining Services social media accounts. 



Communications Policies and Procedures

Communications Policies and Procedures

Editorial style and approval; forms and university documents; logo use; media contact; signature policy; surveys; e-newsletters; and mail procedures.


Lindenwood University is committed to providing clear and consistent communications to the Lindenwood University community and public at large. This policy addresses University protocols and standards regarding internal and external communications practices.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and individuals employed by the University. In addition, it outlines guidance for all faculty, staff, and individuals who are producing or replicating material for or on behalf of the institution.


The latest versions of commonly used forms and documents are available on Workday or on the Lindenwood University website.

Brand Resources, Style and Approval

Publications produced by the Lindenwood University Marketing and Communications Department must follow Lindenwood University's Brand Identity Guide. Academic and institutional documents generally follow Lindenwood University Guidelines. View brand and identity resources.

All promotional publications, whether printed professionally by the Marketing and Communications staff or produced on an employee’s computer, must be formally approved. To start the approval process, submit a Project Request Form at the beginning of the planning process. The form can be found on the Lindenwood website.

All promotional materials must by reviewed and approved by the department, division, school, or office that requested them. The materials must then be reviewed by Marketing and Communications staff for accuracy, university style, aesthetics, appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation before the document is printed.

Logo Use

View logos and Lindenwood University branding guidelines. Logos should only be used for official Lindenwood University documents, and the documents must be free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.  Sports logos that contain the images of a lion should be, in most cases, reserved for sports-related editorial content.

Media Contact

Employees should call the Lindenwood University Spokesperson at (636) 949-4913 if they are aware of or involved in any media matters related to Lindenwood. If an employee is approached by a member of the media, the employee should immediately call (636) 949-4913 and notify the University Spokesperson.

Email Signatures

Lindenwood University employees shall not include another Lindenwood University employee’s signature on any document without written, signed approval from the signature holder. Further, university officials wishing to include the President’s signature on a document shall have that document reviewed and approved by the President prior to general distribution. This policy applies to all Lindenwood University faculty, staff, and students. Further, all authorized monetary signatures are approved by the Board of Trustees and implemented via the President.


Surveys may be conducted for research or assessment purposes with prior approval. All surveys must have the approval of the appropriate Vice President. Surveys are implemented through the Qualtrics software. To use this account, contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness or an assigned survey administrator. For more details, contact the Provost and Academic Affairs.

E-Newsletters and Email Announcements

All faculty, staff, and adjuncts are subscribed to the University’s email distribution list through Constant Contact. Employees must remain subscribed to email communication from Lindenwood.

Electronic newsletters may be used to promote programs or to keep stakeholders informed about new policies and procedures. Follow Lindenwood Digest submission guidelines. All e-newsletters that represent Lindenwood University must be accurate and error-free.