Lindenwood Campus Closed (1/6)

Lindenwood Campus Closed (1/6)

Due to inclement weather and potentially hazardous road conditions, the Lindenwood University campus will be closed on January 6, 2025. Non-essential employees are to work their regular hours remotely. Essential Employees should contact their supervisor for their on-campus schedule. We thank you in advance for your service. 

In-person campus activities are canceled. Virtual events may continue as planned. Any change in dining service hours can be found on Lion’s Dining Homepage or the Lion’s Dining Services social media accounts. 



Email Responsibility and Computer Use Policy

Email Responsibility and Computer Use Policy


Lindenwood University is committed to protecting electronic communications and assets. This policy articulates employee expectations regarding the use of university-owned and managed electronic communications services.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, volunteers and individuals employed by the university that utilize the institution’s equipment, network, or systems.


Employees are responsible for the contents of their Lindenwood University email. Exempt employees, including nine- and ten-month faculty members, are expected to regularly monitor university email throughout the calendar year for work updates, student requests, and other necessary functions of the job.

All Lindenwood employees must abide by the following Computer Use and Social Media Policy:

Revised 01/15/21

The following guidelines and rules constitute Lindenwood University’s Computer Use Policy. Exceptions to these guidelines and rules require the written permission of a Dean/Division Chair and the Chief Information Officer. The violation of any of these rules or guidelines may result in termination of employment.

  • Appropriate Use: Individuals who are supplied access to Lindenwood University computer facilities and to the campus-wide communications network assume responsibility for their appropriate use.
  • Attachments: No one should open attachments from an unknown or questionable source as doing so can introduce damaging and costly viruses and malware into the Lindenwood University information technology infrastructure.
  • Bandwidth: Providing services or running applications that consume excessive bandwidth on the Lindenwood University network is prohibited. Should such applications or services be necessary to support the mission of the University, faculty or staff must obtain approval from the Chief Information Officer prior to use.
  • Commercial Use: It is prohibited to use Lindenwood University’s network for commercial purposes.
  • Content: Viewing, sending, or authoring obscene, profane, or harassing electronic material or messaging is prohibited, as are messages that target individuals in a threatening manner.
  • Criminal Activity: No Lindenwood University system is to be used for illegal or criminal purposes.
  • Email Use: The email and network systems are to be used principally for conducting Lindenwood University business. Excessive personal use—defined as exceeding 10 minutes per work day engaged in personal email communications—is not permitted. Any personal email transactions should take place only during regular work breaks, unless they are of a time-critical nature, e.g., related to a family emergency or an urgent financial or medical matter. While employees may choose to send personal email communications, they do so at their own risk and should have no expectation of privacy in any email sent over Lindenwood University’s email system using University-owned computers. Please remember that deleting emails or files from a Lindenwood University email account or computer does not necessarily mean it has been erased from the University's system. All emails generated through or received by Lindenwood University email system are property of the University and subject to examination by University officials [for cause]. Lindenwood University reserves the right to inspect any messages contained within the University email system at any time.
  • Email and Data Exfiltration: All Lindenwood University emails and data are considered the property of the University.  As such, only limited forwarding of emails is allowed.  Rules or processes that exfiltrate Lindenwood data or emails, such as auto-forwarding, outside of the Lindenwood Network is prohibited.
  • External Domains: Users are not permitted to own external domain names that are utilized for Lindenwood University business unless otherwise approved by the user’s college dean or department AVP and the Chief Information Officer.
  • Hacking: Unauthorized intrusion into, manipulation of, or theft of another’s data is prohibited.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Users must observe Intellectual Property Rights in accordance with the Lindenwood University Copyright Policy, the Lindenwood University Intellectual Property Rights Policy, and the Lindenwood University Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy (see appendices below).
  • Legal Compliance: Lindenwood University employees are prohibited from sending or knowingly downloading software or data that violate local ordinances or state or federal laws.
  • Mailing Lists: The use of Lindenwood University email accounts for non-business mailing list subscriptions is prohibited.
  • O365 Account and Data Retention: In most instances account email and data are retained for no longer than 30 days after employment ends.
  • Outlook: Lindenwood University business conducted via email should be limited to the user’s Lindenwood University Outlook account. Personal email accounts should not be used to transmit Lindenwood University communications and materials.
  • Passwords: Users must not disclose their passwords or otherwise make Lindenwood University facilities available to unauthorized individuals. Moreover, the possession or collection of other’s passwords is prohibited.
  • Personal Accounts: Individuals assume responsibility for their personal, non-university accounts.
  • Personal Devices: Users with personal devices on the Lindenwood University network are expected to take reasonable precautions to ensure the security of their systems and will be held responsible for misuse by others.
  • Personal/Political Messaging: Broadcasting personal or political messages to either ad hoc or preconfigured distribution groups, internal or external to the University, is prohibited.
  • Policy Application: The Lindenwood University University Email Responsibility, Computer Use, and Social Media Policy applies to all computers, mobile devices,  and other technology devices connected to the Lindenwood University network, whether they are personal or University-owned.
  • Property: Statutes governing intellectual property rights will supersede the University’s prerogatives in the case of copyrighted materials.
  • Purpose: Computer and network facilities are provided primarily for educational and administrative use.
  • Restrictions: At its discretion, Lindenwood University reserves the right to restrict or deny the use of its network and services.
  • Secondary Networks: It is prohibited to connect any secondary physical network to the Lindenwood University network without written authorization of the Chief Information Officer.
  • Security: Individuals may not attempt to circumvent security systems or to exploit or probe for security holes in any Lindenwood University network or system, nor may individuals attempt any such activity against other systems accessed through Lindenwood University properties.
  • Theft: Theft, rearrangement, or damage to any University computer or network equipment, facilities, or property is strictly prohibited and will be reported to the police. This includes all audio-video equipment, computer labs, classrooms, network equipment, wiring, and circuits.
  • User Privilege: The use of technology on campus is a privilege, rather than a right, and a violation of the aforementioned policies could result in a suspension of network privileges and/or employment action up to or including termination of employment.