Lindenwood Campus Closed Tomorrow (1/7)

Lindenwood Campus Closed Tomorrow (1/7)

Due to inclement weather and potentially hazardous road conditions, the Lindenwood University campus will be closed tomorrow, January 7. Non-essential employees are to work their regular hours remotely. Essential Employees should contact their supervisor for their on-campus schedule. We thank you in advance for your service.

In-person campus activities are canceled. Virtual events may continue as planned. Any change in dining service hours can be found on Lion’s Dining Homepage or the Lion’s Dining Services social media accounts. 



Posthumous Degree (Undergraduate Students)

Posthumous Degree (Undergraduate Students)


This policy outlines the procedure for request and obtainment of a posthumous degree in the event that a Lindenwood student becomes deceased.


This policy applies to undergraduate Lindenwood students.


In the event of a student's untimely death, the university may grant a posthumous degree if the following criteria are met.

Undergraduate students


  • The student had reached senior status and had completed at least 50% of the major requirements.
  • The student was in good standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  • The student had no pending disciplinary sanctions.
  • The academic college in which the student was enrolled recommends the awarding of a posthumous degree.


  • Anyone can request a deceased student be considered for a posthumous degree. It is recommended that this request be made within two years of the student’s passing.
  • Once a request has been made, the student’s academic college dean and department faculty will review the student’s eligibility. If the college representatives determine that the student is eligible for a posthumous degree, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Provost.
  • If approved, the Provost will direct the Registrar to award the degree and request a diploma to be sent to the next of kin.
  • The statement “Awarded Posthumously” will be printed on both the student’s transcript and the diploma.

Please direct any questions about this policy to the Office of the Registrar.