Lindenwood IRB
The mission of the Lindenwood Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to protect the rights, welfare, and dignity of participants in human subjects research conducted by faculty, staff, and students of Lindenwood University. The Lindenwood IRB is actively engaged in:
- Ethical review of research involving human subjects at Lindenwood University
- Developing education and guidance for the Lindenwood University research community
- Providing personalized consultation for behavioral and biomedical researchers
- Facilitating excellence and quality assurance in research design and practice
- Promoting community-engaged research for the St. Louis metro area
What needs approval by the IRB?
All research involving human subjects conducted by faculty, staff, or students of Lindenwood University must be approved by the Lindenwood IRB prior to the conduct of any research activities.
What is the LU IRB FWA#?
Lindenwood University maintains a Federalwide Assurance (FWA) with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). An FWA is a commitment to review and approve federally-funded or supported research involving human subjects in accordance with the ethical principles outlined in the Belmont Report and in compliance with 45 CFR 46. Documentation of FWA and IRB Registration is available upon request.
Federalwide Assurance Information:
- LU IRB - FWA00025683
IRB Registration Information:
- LU IRB - IRB00013520
When does the IRB Meet?
Exempt and Expedited applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Applications that require review by the Full Board must be submitted at least one week prior to the following meeting dates to be included on the agenda. Additional Full Board meetings are regularly added ad hoc for specific applications and items.
IRB Meeting Schedule |
Friday, February 7 |
Friday, February 21 |
Friday, March 7 |
Friday, March 21 |
Friday, April 4 |
Friday, April 18 |
Friday, May 2 |
Friday, May 16 |