College of Science, Technology, and Health

What is Computer Science?

What is Computer Science?

College of Science, Technology, and Health NAVIGATION

So, I’m not really sure what Computer Science is, or what a Computer Scientist does. Can you explain what is Computer Science?

In short, Computer Science is not about using computers or even writing programs, although Computer Scientists often do these things. Rather computer science is about the science of solving problems with computers.

Wait a minute, hold the phone! What do you mean that Computer Science is not about writing computer programs?

In summary, this means Computer Science is not about using computers to solve problems or writing programs or software. Rather Computer Science is about science of solving problems with computers.

Wait another minute! You mean that not only is Computer Science not about programming, but it isn’t even about using a computer to solve problems? Huh!!!

Once again, in summary, Computer Science is not about using a computer to solve a particular problem, but rather it is about the science of solving problems with computers.
