College of Science, Technology, and Health

Naresh Kshetri

Naresh Kshetri

College of Science, Technology, and Health NAVIGATION

Naresh Kshetri

Naresh Kshetri

Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity

Young Hall 315B
(636) 949-4428

Biographical Information

Dr. Kshetri began teaching computer science in 2009 as a high school computer science instructor. He received a Bachelor’s in Computer Application from Pokhara University in 2010. He then earned a Master’s in Computer Application and Master of Science in Cybersecurity from the University of Allahabad and Webster University in 2014 and 2017, respectively. Dr. Kshetri received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Missouri – St. Louis in May 2022.

Dr. Kshetri’s research deals with ethically securing machines, devices, and data over the internet. In addition to research, Dr. Kshetri is a passionate learner and a dedicated teacher.  He has taught numerous courses from high school to university levels, including a variety of computer science courses ranging from information technology tools to operating systems.

Dr. Kshetri lives in the St. Louis area with his wife, Dr. Sabina and son, Evan. Beyond his academic interests, Dr. Kshetri enjoys watching biopic movies, playing chess, and outdoor activities.

Academic and Research Interests

Dr. Kshetri's academic interests include:

  • Computer Ethics
  • Cyber Ethics
  • Blockchain Technology (applications in agriculture and security)
  • Cyber Defense and Counter measures
  • Cyber Security
  • Web Technology / Programming
  • Software Engineering

Courses Taught

Dr. Kshetri has taught the following courses:

  • Basics of OS, Unix and Shell Programming
  • Computer Architecture & Microprocessor
  • Computer Networks and Communications
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Data Structures Through C Language
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Ethical Issues in Cybersecurity
  • Foundations of Information Technology
  • Introduction to DBMS
  • Introduction to Computer Science – JavaScript
  • Introduction to Computer Science – Python
  • Introduction to Software Profession
  • IT Tools and Business Systems
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Operating Systems
  • Programming Languages
  • Web Development with Java


  • [BC1] N. Kshetri, “Blockchain Technology for improving transparency and citizen’s trust”, Book series: Advances in Information and Communication, Chapter No: 52, Chapter DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-73100-7_52, Springer Nature, FICC 2021, Vol I, AISC 1363
  • [J5] N. Kshetri and A. Sharma, “An overview of online crime, attacks in pre & post COVID scenario with respective counter measures and security strategies” Journal of Engineering, Computing & Architecture (JECA), ISSN: 1934-7197 (Online), Impact Factor: 6.1, Volume – XI, Issue – XII, DOI: 17.0002.JECA.2021.V11I12.200786.7902, Page: 13-33, December (2021)
  • [J4] N. Kshetri, C.S. Bhushal, D. Chapagain, “BCT-AA: A survey of Blockchain technology-based applications in context with Agribusiness” Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Electronic Journal 3834004,, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3834004 May (2021)
  • [J3] N. Kshetri, “A Survey of Computer Ethics (w.r.t. Artificial Intelligence, Robot Weaponry, Fuzzy Systems, Autonomous Vehicles)” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Impact Factor: 1.0, Volume – 10, Issue – 4, DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D8582.0210421, February (2021)
  • [J2] N. Kshetri and K.W. Miller, “A Study of Cyber-Defense Ethics & Initiatives by Governments of Under Developing Nations: A Study of Selected Countries'' International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis (IJAEMA), ISSN: 0886-9367, Impact Factor: 6.3, Volume XIII, Issue I, 977-986, January (2021)
  • [J1] N. Kshetri, “Cyber Strategy of Government of Nepal (GoN)” Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Electronic Journal 3552143,, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3552143 (2018)
  • [C1] N. Kshetri, “Blockchain Technology for improving transparency and citizen’s trust” Proceedings of the 2021 Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), 29 - 30 April 2021, Vancouver Canada (2020)