College of Science, Technology, and Health

Research Travel Assistance Program

Research Travel Assistance Program

College of Science, Technology, and Health NAVIGATION
(From left to right) Evan Struemph, Dr. Stephanie Afful, Ximena Gutierrez, and Zoe Sweeney at conference in Brussels.

(From left to right) Evan Struemph, Dr. Stephanie Afful, Ximena Gutierrez, and Zoe Sweaney at conference in Brussels.


The production of original information in one’s academic discipline and dissemination of such information generated as part of projects completed by College of Science, Technology, and Health (CSTH) students is one of the most important activities a student can complete. Funds available to CSTH students to support the purchase of basic supplies needed to complete a given project as well as funds needed to cover expenses incurred while traveling to present project results and outcomes are limited. The purpose of the CSTH Research Travel Assistance Program is to provide an internally supported funding mechanism to support travel costs a student may incur while presenting research conducted while a student at Lindenwood.

Real Experience. Real Success.

Real Experience. Real Success.

"Couldn't imagine coming here with a different group, I've had the best time. Thanks for all of the encouragement and support, we never could've done it without you" - Zoe Sweaney

General Information

Travel Funds Eligibility and Guidelines

Expectations of Supporting Faculty

Expense Category Limits

The following expense limitations have been created to help ensure requested funds are reasonable and customary while still providing meaningful support to the student. In this respect, funding will only be provided to support costs associated with their primary mode of travel to the presentation venue, secondary or local travel, lodging, and conference registration. Primary mode of travel is limited to air, train, bus, or car. If traveling by car, students will be reimbursed for mileage at a currently accepted mileage rate by Human Resources. If multiple people are riding in the same car (which is recommended), only the student who is the owner of the car can request travel funds. Secondary or local travel is limited to taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc. Funds requested for food, drinks, entertainment, etc. will not be accepted.