(From left to right) Evan Struemph, Dr. Stephanie Afful, Ximena Gutierrez, and Zoe Sweaney at conference in Brussels.
The production of original information in one’s academic discipline and dissemination of such information generated as part of projects completed by College of Science, Technology, and Health (CSTH) students is one of the most important activities a student can complete. Funds available to CSTH students to support the purchase of basic supplies needed to complete a given project as well as funds needed to cover expenses incurred while traveling to present project results and outcomes are limited. The purpose of the CSTH Research Travel Assistance Program is to provide an internally supported funding mechanism to support travel costs a student may incur while presenting research conducted while a student at Lindenwood.

Real Experience. Real Success.
"Couldn't imagine coming here with a different group, I've had the best time. Thanks for all of the encouragement and support, we never could've done it without you" - Zoe Sweaney
General Information
Scope / Priorities
The purpose and scope of this fund is to support travel expenses incurred by a CSTH student to present the results or outcomes associated with a project completed while they were a student at Lindenwood. Requests under this category will not exceed $350 for conferences in Missouri and $750 for conferences out of state and $1,000 for international travel.
It is anticipated that approximately $5,000 in funding will be made available each semester ($10,000 each year) for request by students and faculty members. Any funds not used during any given fiscal year will roll over to the following year. The source of funding for this program will be funds generated from indirect costs collected on externally funded grants secured by College faculty.
General Eligibility and Review Process
- One application will be allowed per individual per year irrespective of the intended use of the funds being requested. As such, any individual is not allowed to submit a funding request for both research supplies and travel in the same fiscal year.
- All applications will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean for Research & Innovation. If a decision is made to deny funds, an additional review will be completed by other CSTH faculty to facilitate an equitable review process for all applicants.
- It is anticipated that a decision of funding will be completed within 10 business days of receiving the materials. This decision will be considered final and no appeal process will be granted.
- Any application that is incomplete will not be reviewed and will be returned to the applicant. If possible, corrections can be made, and the application can be resubmitted.
- If a situation arises where eligible funding requests exceed available funding, funding order will be disbursed based upon the date and time upon which the completed application was received.
Request for funding must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the start of travel. Under rare and exceptional cases, a waiver will be granted for any travel that occurs within 30 days of when the application is submitted. Under no circumstances, will retroactive funding requests be reviewed.
Travel Funds Eligibility and Guidelines
- Only those expenses that follow all travel reimbursement guidelines currently in place for Lindenwood University will be considered.
- Only LU students who have a declared major inside the College of Science, Technology, and Health and are in good standing academically are eligible to apply for funding.
- A letter of support from a CSTH faculty member must accompany the application.
- Travel funding support for any conference located in Missouri is limited to $350 and any conference outside of Missouri is limited to $750 while any costs for international travel will be allowed up to $1,000 per student per trip.
- Funds from this program are not allowed to be used as part of a study abroad, workshop, short course, or other form of remote learning academic program.
- Funding is limited to one trip per fiscal year per student and all expenses will follow the fiscal calendar followed by the University.
- Funds will only be made available from this program after a student has applied and received the maximum funding they are eligible to receive from the Provost’s office. All applications must be accompanied with documentation that the student will receive funding from the Provost’s office for the proposed activity.
- The applicant must be an active presenter and verification of the presentation at the professional venue will be required before funds are disbursed.
- When multiple students are attending the same conference, students are expected to make decisions to minimize their travel expenses such as sharing local transportation (taxi/Ubers) and sharing hotel rooms when multiple occupants of the same sex are attending.
- Expenses associated with a conference that is hosted virtually are not allowable expenses under this program.
Application Instructions for Travel Requests
- Complete Student Scholar Travel Grant Request form and send completed form with student and faculty sponsor signature to Chad Kerksick (ckerksick@lindenwood.edu). Dr. Kerksick will review, sign, and send to the Provost’s office for final approval.
- If funding is approved by the Provost office and additional funds are being requested under the CSTH Research Travel Assistance Program, complete the Funding Request Form and follow all remaining instructions.
- Attach a one-page cover letter stating the purpose and benefits of the proposed funds and highlight what incurred expenses require reimbursement. When discussing the incurred expenses, this letter should clearly highlight actual costs for flight, lodging, and conference registration. If a student is sharing the costs of a room with other individuals, it must be clearly highlighted what the total costs are for lodging, how many students are staying there for that amount, and what the student is requesting for lodging.
- In alignment with travel expenses guidelines set by Fiscal Affairs, copies of all receipts must be provided and those amounts must match what is being requested. If the numbers do not match, the request will either not be approved or you will be approved for the lesser of two amounts.
- Include proof of acceptance of presentation from the conference
- Attach documentation of any other travel funding applied for and received (Student Scholar Travel Grant from Provost or other relevant sources)
- Attach a letter of support from faculty member
- All materials should be submitted electronically as a PDF document in the order listed above to Chad Kerksick (ckerksick@lindenwood.edu) and Whitley Huxhold (whuxhold@lindenwood.edu).
Required order of documentation
- Completed funding request form
- Cover letter
- Copy of invitation to present or proof of acceptance of presentation
- Proof of previous travel funding applied for
- Letter of support from faculty sponsor
Any faculty, staff, or student with questions are encouraged to email Chad Kerksick at ckerksick@lindenwood.edu
Expectations of Supporting Faculty
Expectations of Supporting Faculty
Faculty who support students in applying for travel award are expected to mentor the students through the application process. The student is applying for the funds, not the faculty member. Such mentoring will first help to ensure all paperwork and guidelines are followed and that all expenses are clearly discussed and appropriately justified. Faculty are also expected to work to make sure that all efforts are made to reduce the amount of funds being requested. This includes talking to students early about presenting to take advantage of ‘early bird’ registration costs, booking primary travel means that maximize affordability, sharing hotel rooms (when appropriate), and sharing costs of local transportation, airport parking, etc.
Expense Category Limits
The following expense limitations have been created to help ensure requested funds are reasonable and customary while still providing meaningful support to the student. In this respect, funding will only be provided to support costs associated with their primary mode of travel to the presentation venue, secondary or local travel, lodging, and conference registration. Primary mode of travel is limited to air, train, bus, or car. If traveling by car, students will be reimbursed for mileage at a currently accepted mileage rate by Human Resources. If multiple people are riding in the same car (which is recommended), only the student who is the owner of the car can request travel funds. Secondary or local travel is limited to taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc. Funds requested for food, drinks, entertainment, etc. will not be accepted.
Local Conference $350 Limit
A conference located within 350 miles of Lindenwood University campus.
- Primary Mode of Travel: Up to $250
- Secondary Mode of Travel: $50
- Lodging: Up to $150/night for the day before the date of the presentation and the day of the presentation.
- Conference Registration: Up to $150
Out of State Conference $750 Limit
A conference located further than 350 miles of Lindenwood University campus.
- Primary Mode of Travel: Up to $350
- Secondary Mode of Travel: $50
- Lodging: Up to $150/night for the day before the date of the presentation and the day of the presentation.
- Conference Registration: Up to $150
International Conference $1,000 Limit
- Primary Mode of Travel: Up to $600
- Secondary Mode of Travel: $50
- Lodging: Up to $150/night for the day before the date of the presentation and the day of the presentation.