Student Financial Services

Competitor Cost Comparison

Competitor Cost Comparison

Why pay more for less?

Lindenwood University is one of the most affordable and accessible private universities in the St. Louis region. Whether you study online or on campus, Lindenwood is committed to providing an affordable private education that doesn't sacrifice quality. While everyone's situation is unique, below are some quick cost comparisons to help you take the next step in your educational journey.

Traditional Undergraduate

Comparing Traditional Undergraduate
Saint Louis University
Missouri Baptist
Webster University
William Woods University
Maryville University
Missouri Valley College
Lindenwood University

Source: University websites, most recently published tuition and fees as of September 4, 2024. Costs shown are tuition per year (two semesters). Housing, food, and fees are not included in these comparisons.

Traditional Graduate

Comparing Traditional Graduate
Saint Louis University
per credit hour
Maryville University
per credit hour
Webster University
per credit hour
Missouri Baptist
per credit hour
Lindenwood University
per credit hour

Source: University websites, most recently published tuition and fees as of September 4, 2024.
*Indicates average cost across all program types.

Online (Undergraduate)

Comparing Online (Undergraduate)
Saint Louis University
per credit hour
Maryville University
per credit hour
Missouri Baptist
per credit hour
Lindenwood University
per credit hour
Webster University
per credit hour

Source: University websites, most recently published tuition and fees as of September 4, 2024.
*Indicates average cost across all program types.

Online (Graduate)

Comparing Online (Graduate)
Maryville University
per credit hour
Webster University
per credit hour
University of Phoenix
per credit hour
Missouri Baptist
per credit hour
Lindenwood University
per credit hour

Source: University websites, most recently published tuition and fees as of September 4, 2024.
*Indicates average cost across all program types.