International students are allowed to transfer schools while they are in the US and maintain their immigration status.
Welcome to our new transfer-in students. We welcome you to Lindenwood.
For our students who are transferring to another institution, we wish you all the best and much success at your new school.
For those of you returning to Lindenwood, welcome back.
Transfer-in or Returning Transfer
If you are transferring in or a returning transfer student, you must be in good standing with your current/previous school. Your I-20 will not become our record until the transfer release date; this date is determined by the school that has housed your record. Once the record has been released, we will be able to update the information and print you a new I-20.
Transferring Out
If you are transferring out, you will need to be in good standing in order to have your current record released to a new school. We will discuss release dates with you in order for you to maintain your active status. SEVIS records will not be released until we receive a copy of the acceptance letter from the new school and your approval for the release.
Your I-20 must be in active status in order to be updated. You cannot update a completed or terminated I-20. Terminated or completed I-20s require additional procedures or the creation of new immigration paperwork.
Transferring In Students
Transferring into Lindenwood University? The Office of Admissions and Services for International Students can help!
You will need to submit:
- Application for Lindenwood University
- Official transcripts
- Proof of English proficiency
- Affidavit of Support
- Copy of passport and visa
- You will receive an email with the transferring in procedures
More details about admission requirements found at International Admissions, or email
Transferring Out Students
Need to complete your program at another institution? Are you about to end your OPT and would like to continue your education? Stop by the Admissions, in the Spellmann Center, and ask to speak with your DSO or you can schedule an appointment here: My Calendar
Before the PDSO or DSO can transfer your SEVIS record to your new institution, you will need to:
- Submit your admission letter to your new school to The PDSO or DSO.
- admission letter must be on institution letterhead
- include program and program start term
- Submit the transfer-in form from your new school to the PDSO or DSO (if the school has one)
- transfer-in form must include institutions contact information
- include PDSO/DSO name and contact information
- include SEVIS school code
- Your requested SEVIS release date
Your I-20 will not be released until we have proof of your acceptance and your approval to release your record.
Students should request their SEVIS record to be released after their term ends and before the start of term they are admitted for at their new institution.
Please email the SEVIS transfer form from the new school and a copy of the acceptance letter to
If you are currently on OPT, you can transfer your SEVIS record anytime during your OPT or before your 60-day grace period ends. Transferring your SEVIS record while still on OPT will end your OPT.
Returning Transfer Students
Returning to Lindenwood University? Welcome back!
Students who are returning less than a year after they transferred out will need to contact both the PDSO or DSO and Student and Academic Support Services (SASS) for reinstatement. You do not need to submit a new application. You will need to:
- Provide official transcripts from any institution attended since transferring out of Lindenwood University
- Provide a new Affidavit of Support (may not apply to all students)
- Contact your academic advisor to register for classes after you have been transferred back to Lindenwood University
Students who are returning more than a year after they transferred out will need to follow the application procedures for new international students. This includes:
- Application for Lindenwood University
- Official transcripts
- Proof of English proficiency
- Proof of financials
- Updated copy of passport and visa
- You will receive an email with the transferring in procedures.
Not sure which type of transfer student you are? We can help! Please visit our office in Spellmann Center, call us at (636) 949-4982, or email us at